There is a degree of fortune in asthma treatment that patients are able to take a topical treatment that works directly on the affected organ that has very little side effects, is efficacious and is very safe. However, the delivery devices of inhaled medications can be difficult to use correctly and optimally. Even health professionals struggle to use inhaled medications correctly (Swami et al. 2021, Fink & Rubin 2005). Improved device use can improve medicine effectiveness and lead to improved asthma control and reduced exacerbation risk during pregnancy.
The variety of inhaler devices now available provides options for people with different accessibility, literacy and behavioural needs. Device use can be optimised when prescribing, to provide one that is most likely to suit the user.
The links below will take you to videos developed by the National Asthma Council to aid best inhaler use.
This checklist, also developed with pharmacology experts by the National Asthma Council demonstrates the steps required for correct delivery of the medication from inhalers available in Australia today.
View a webinar on Inhaler Use from the Centre of Excellence in Severe Asthma.