Asthma is one of the most common diseases in pregnancy. Many women find that their asthma gets worse and they may need to seek medical help for an asthma attack during pregnancy. When asthma is not well controlled it can also cause health problems for baby. This can include being born too early or too small.
To help us explore better ways of looking after asthma during pregnancy, we would like to invite you to take part in a research study. It is called ‘Treatable Traits for Asthma Management in Pregnancy Study’, or the ‘TTAP’ study for short.
What does ‘Treatable Traits’ mean?
‘Treatable traits’ is a new way of looking at other medical problems or behaviours that might affect asthma. Treatable Traits (or other medical problems) can include things like hayfever symptoms, mental health, weight gain, smoking or how you use your asthma inhaler. This study will look at how Treatable Traits might affect asthma during pregnancy.
In this study we would like to collect health information about any Treatable Traits that you may have. This will help us understand how asthma can be best looked after during pregnancy. When asthma is well controlled during pregnancy, it helps keep both mum and baby healthy.
Want to find out more? Head to our Participant Information page to check your eligibility and sign up today!