Launched in Canberra this week, to support mothers and their babies, is our Breathe Well for Your Baby program. This health promotion program aims to improve the health of pregnant women and their babies through a public awareness campaign and health professional education sessions. It is based on our recently launched online Asthma in Pregnancy Toolkit website.
Project Leader Associate Professor Vanessa Murphy described the benefits of the Toolkit and program:
“Our Toolkit brings all the evidence-based information together in one place. It is an easily accessed, accurate reference tool for health professionals involved in pregnancy care, including GPs, pharmacists, midwives and obstetricians. There is also a designated section for women and families, including a list of questions they can take to their health professional.”
Diane Percy, ACT Programs Officer from Asthma Australia, says that a focus on active management of asthma during pregnancy is key to healthy outcomes for mother and child. “Pregnant women with asthma are at increased risk of poor pregnancy outcomes such as pre-term labour and birth, low birth weight, gestational diabetes and the increased risk of their child developing asthma. But with proper management and appropriate medical care, almost all people who have asthma experience healthy pregnancies,” Diane says.
“The Asthma in Pregnancy Toolkit will provide both families and health professionals with the important information and resources they need to guide them through.”
The Breathe Well for Your Baby program is funded as part of the ACT Health Promotions Grant Program and is being conducted in partnership with Asthma Australia.
View our ABC story here: